Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grandma's Birthday Gift

What to get the women who has everything?  A painting of her grandchildren of course.  I loved this picture. Been planning it for years. Kate is about 6, Con 3. They loved bubbles at Grandma's. symbolizes pure fun.  No electricity needed.

In its place of honor. Throw that other picture aside.

Back from the Northwest

Just back from a trip to the Northwest. Had a great time in Olympia, Woodinville and Moscow Idaho. Watched the Idaho Vandals kick New Mexico's rear end. Fall colors and snow in the mountains going through the pass.


Took lots of pics and did some sketches I plan to work  into some new pics. These two are from the drive from Moscow to Othello. Wheat fields as far as the eye can see.  

Cool weather and lots of rain.  Lot's of inspiration. Stay tuned.