Monday, March 4, 2013

2013 is a quarter gone

Where to begin. Once again I vow to try to keep up with this blog. OK, maybe I should let that go.  Lot's to share.  Will make sure there are illustrations to go along.
Under painting

Almost done
                    First thing to mention is Celebrate Las Vegas Autism awareness project.

I heard about it through the gallery, City of the World, and was asked if I wanted to do a guitar. Of course. I have a few friends with kids affected by autism.   They didn't know what kind of response they'd have and were a little surprised with the response from the local art community. Over a 100 guitars were turned in.  With everything from collage, painting, sculpture, tiling, calligraphy, you name it.

Their small fundraiser had a mind of it's own. This thing has taken off and now it has morphed into a book complete with launch party. If you are in the Las Vegas area check it out. I've heard the next step is to have the guitars displayed in some of the casinos throughout Vegas.  I've included a link to the site. It's worth a look at the different art forms used. Enjoy                            

Red Rock and Roll
Oil on guitar.
Here's the link:

Thank you Julie Townsend for inspiring me to market myself this year.