Friday, January 14, 2011

My nemesis

Meet my nemesis. Started life as a sliding closet door. I thought it would be a perfect canvas for a project I was doing for Ted. I started this in September of 2010.  It was a simple idea. As of this date I have rehashed the idea and positions of everything a few times. It is my view from the kitchen island. 

As you can see I am working from no fewer than 5 photographs.  Wish now I had done some sketches when I was there.

This painting is not only consuming our dining room but my time. 4 months to be exact. It's large, over 6 feet by 3 feet and will eventually either be the shield I'm carried out of the battle defeated on or hang in Ted's wound care center. I think I need to go to Lanikai and sit on the beach for awhile.  Aaaaaaaaaaa it's driving me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Anna,
    It is beautiful! A sliding door? What a great way to use an old door!
