Saturday, March 12, 2011

New stuff, thank you Gabby.

Pine Creek Canyon Trail March 4th, 2011
So I've gone back to school. Well that sounds much grander than it is.  I am painting with a group led by our fearless leader Gabby and having a great time. This has caused a build up of art in the Norris household (see below).  These are in addition to the ones hanging in Ted's clinic.  If any catch your eye PLEASE contact me.
at: or on this blog.

Pine Creek Trail Feb 19th, 2011
Good news is Ted and I are in the process of buying a house. Our silver lining to the dismal real estate cloud that is Las Vegas. As such I will be able to get a business license and start schlepping stuff to galleries before the end of the year (one of my goals). Before that I would like to lighten my moving load. Please check out my stuff at Etsy. I haven't really found an easy way to find my stuff so I'm sending the addresses. I you are interested in anything please let me know.  The addresses are:

Start of a painting of Oak Creek, Sedona
  Ted and I went to Sedona for our anniversary in the middle of February. What a beautiful drive, amazing place. We both agreed that downtown Sedona reminded us of Vegas strip and Waikiki.  We stayed as far away from that as possible. Went hiking and scrambling over many red rocks, visited the vortexes (we decided we weren't that open), stayed out of the sweat lodges and had amazing food. Pretty incredible scenery and Montezuma's Castle and Well, Tuzigoot  (sp) were awe inspiring.
Cathedral Rock from Red Rock Crossing, Sedona
It's ridiculous that the place really looked like that. The water was so calm and there were dogs downstream playing in the water.

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